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We C.A.R.E Financial Institute (WCFI) is a ministry and service of My Father's Business Ministries and Serivices seeking to improve the quality of life through our integrated common business concepts (budgeting, eliminating debt, credit repair, etc.), management strategy (Six-Sigma), financial services (personal finance, financial planning, and financial life coaching), and the foundation of biblical stewardship.  


Our VISION is to be a holistic business consisting of actions, tactics and strategies that will historically and culturally change the social and economic demographics locally, nationally, and globally.


Our MISSION is to fight against America’s economic problem of financial illiteracy and poverty with our services that will eliminate debt, save time and money, free people from the emotional financial worries and guarantee financial success.


 We C.A.R.E Center

815 North 8th Street, Suite 500

Killeen, Texas 76541


The We C.A.R.E Center is dedicated to celebrating family, friend, fellowship, and faith. We host classes and workshops, recreational and special events, personal and community gatherings, business meetings, Bible Studies and Fellowship.


The We C.A.R.E Center will eventually transition to a hub for affordable temporary residential living for those seeking home ownership.


We C.A.R.E Center

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